Sunday, July 20, 2008

About Me

I am 5 years old. I love superheroes and transformers and ninjas. I love to play with my figurines and watch movies and play PS2 and color and do puzzles. I like to go to my friends' houses, and to pools and lakes. Chuck-E-Cheese is a fun place, but we never get to go there. I also like to pick out new movies at Blockbuster. I like to draw all of the Justice League and Marvel symbols. I would like to move to another place. My favorite song is Tribute. I really don't like cheese.

My favorite food to eat is PB & J. My favorite part of t-ball is snack time after the game. My favorite superheroes are Iron Man and my favorite Transformer is Bumble Bee and my favorite ninja is Michaelangelo the ninja turtle (he's the orange one).

-Dictated by Corbin and transcribed by his mom

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